The Dancer's Workout® enterprise seeks versatile female dancers (ages 18-50+) for inclusion in our national dance fitness videos! These dance fitness videos are created by the Media and Productions division of our company and are included in our online portfolio of commercially available dance fitness masterclasses enjoyed by dancers, dance instructors, and dance studio owners across the country.

To become one of The Dancer's Workout® MAVENS for the Spring 2025 Season (10Feb25-18May25), applicants must be proficient in ballet, jazz, and contemporary dance and must have (or be able to develop) compelling video stage presence which demonstrates outstanding dance technique and our shared passion for dance as adults. Availability at the "GOLD STAR" level is required this season (see below). As compensation, TDW MAVENS will receive excellent dance video practice and performance opportunities throughout the Season.

Our application deadline for new MAVENS is 24JAN25! To apply, review this information sheet thoroughly, complete the MAVENS Application and Audition Pre-registration Form below, pay the $20 non-refundable application fee, upload your headshot, and join us at your scheduled audition! Veteran MAVENS from previous season(s) are welcome to apply for the new season (see Veteran MAVENS section below and note 7Jan25 application deadline).
Become a dance fitness role model who inspires other adult dancers to keep on dancing!
As a MAVEN, you will be one of the featured dancers in our national, commercially available dance fitness videos that are created to inspire paraprofessional dancers like us to start dancing again as adults and to continue dancing! As such, you will be included in our online pre-recorded masterclasses, in our educational materials for dance studio owners and dance instructors, and in our dance fitness program promotions. In the past we have featured our lovely adult students in these videos; going forward our commercial videos will primarily feature our newly dedicated group of MAVENS.
We're all busy women trying to juggle our jobs and other responsibilities! Fortunately, the MAVENS schedule is designed to fit around our busy lives, with our rehearsals, student classes, and film days/times being scheduled at times that are manageable for most busy working women.
Participation in the MAVENS requires "GOLD STAR" availability, as defined below. Please do not apply/audition if you are unable to commit to the GOLD STAR Participation Level, as defined below.
Our GOLD STAR Participation Level requires:
- Participation in a minimum of six (6) TDW Practice Sessions in each month's film cycle (an average of 1.5 classes/week) are required - additional classes are strongly encouraged
- "TDW Practice Sessions" include a combination of MAVENS-ONLY REHEARSALS (offered on Mondays*) and TDW STUDENT CLASSES (offered on Tuesdays, Thursdays, Fridays, and Saturdays). The six required practice sessions may be spread out evenly across the month's film cycle or concentrated as needed if certain weeks are busier than others for you. *Note - there will be no Monday MAVENS-only rehearsals on the Mondays following film days (i.e., on 3Mar25, 31Mar25, and 28Apr25)
- Participation in a minimum of 2 of the 3 film dates that are scheduled for this season
Pre-planned absences with a minimum of two-weeks' notice and/or deviations due to extenuating circumstances may be approved with proper advance communication (contact Jules for details and approval).
Audition Times, Location, How to Prepare, and What to Expect plus Mandatory Photoshoot for Selected MAVENS
ALL POTENTIAL MAVENS (including new auditioners and veteran MAVENS wanting to re-join)
must attend auditions this season
Date, Time, and Location - Audition Option 1
Saturday, 25Jan25, 11:45 am (arrive by 11:30 am), TDS-Space, 2603 South Miami Blvd, Durham, NC ("Triangle Dance Studio")
Directions: When you arrive at 2603 South Miami Blvd, it will look like you are turning into the driveway beside a little blue house. Go ahead and turn in, then drive across the little parking lot to the building in the back. We are in that back building. You will enter through the door on the left. Look for The Dancer's Workout® sign on the door.
Date, Time, and Location - Audition Option 2
If you are unable to make the Option 1 audition date, please contact Jules at [email protected] to let her know of your interest in the TDW MAVENS and your conflict with the audition date. Jules may be able to schedule a private audition and/or to have you join one of her TDW student classes in lieu of the scheduled audition date.
How to Prepare for your MAVENS Audition
If you are not already familiar with The Dancer's Workout®, you are invited to familiarize yourself with the following information. Visit and our social media for an introduction (click social media icons at the bottom of this info sheet). Check out the TDW Treasure Chest if interested in learning the structure and individual components of a typical TDW masterclass. Read Jules' Marquis Who's Who background and/or bio in Dance Teacher+ Magazine. To see descriptions of our online membership products that are available nationally, click HERE. Learn the Audition Choreography HERE that you will be expected to know at the time of your audition/callback (audition choreography will be available one week prior to the audition date).
Acceptance into the TDW MAVENS dance company requires submission of the TDW MAVENS Application and Audition Pre-registration Form (see below). Select one of the group audition dates offered and plan to arrive at the studio no later than the "arrive by" time listed above. When you arrive, please be dressed in black yoga-like pants, a tank top and sports bra, with hair pulled back (ponytail is fine). Bring your shoes (split-sole jazz sneakers, jazz slippers, or ballet slippers). Barefoot auditions are not permitted. Bring water and be sure to eat before the audition. A $20, non-refundable, MAVENS fee is required with the submission of your MAVENS application and Audition Pre-registration Form.
What to Expect During the Audition:
Arrive 15 minutes prior to the start of the audition to get signed in. After a brief introduction, Jules will lead you as a group through one of our masterclasses. The audition will be filmed and used in the selection process (mistakes are fine and expected - just smile and keep going).
No Callbacks This Season
Callbacks will not be held this season. Those who audition will be notified via email within one to two days.
Mandatory Photoshoot
We will hold a mandatory group photoshoot on Sunday, 26Jan25, from 4:30* - 6:30 pm, where we will create both our Spring Season group photos and the headshots of our new MAVENS. Details about what to expect during the photoshoot will be included in the MAVENS welcome emails.
* Note, If you are a NEW MAVEN, you will need to arrive between 3:15-3:30 pm to get your individual headshot/body shot done prior to the full group arriving between 4:15 and 4:30 pm. We will provide detailed instructions for all selected MAVENS in our acceptance email.
First Rehearsal
The first Spring 2025 Season rehearsal will be held on Monday, 10Feb25, at Triangle Dance Studio (TDS-Space, 2603 South Miami Blvd, Durham, NC), from 5:45-6:45 pm (please arrive by 5:40 pm). Please see the Rehearsal and Film schedule section below for additional details about rehearsal and class attendance expectations.
Future Audition Opportunities with the TDW MAVENS
We offer two MAVENS Seasons each year (in the Fall and Spring). Auditions for the Fall 2025 season will be held in August 2025, and the season will run during the months of Sept, Oct, and Nov 2025. Check back in in the summer for specific dates, times, and locations ( and/or speak directly with Jules after any of the TDW student classes.
Between seasons, dancers who may be interested in auditioning for the TDW MAVENS dance company should attend our regular TDW student classes (RSVP for student classes here:
Required Practice Sessions (MAVENS Rehearsals and TDW Student Classes)
Our goal is to make sure you feel confident about your performance in our videos! A minimum of six (6) TDW Practice Sessions in each monthly film cycle (an average of 1.5 classes/week) is required to be one of our MAVENS. "TDW Practice Sessions" include a combination of MAVENS-ONLY REHEARSALS (offered on Mondays - weekly* - and on Saturdays - once a month) and TDW STUDENT CLASSES (offered weekly on Tuesdays, Thursdays, Fridays, and Saturdays). Spring 2025 MAVENS receive unlimited complimentary TDW classes during their active season** and are expected to take advantage of the numerous practice sessions we offer. Between the MAVENS-ONLY rehearsals and the TDW student classes, we provide approximately 24 practice sessions each month on various days and times.
* Note - there will be no Monday MAVENS-only rehearsals on the Mondays following film days (i.e., on 3Mar25, 31Mar25, and 28Apr25).
** Note unlimited complimentary TDW student classes are offered to the Spring 2025 MAVENS from 28Jan25 through 31May25
MAVENS Rehearsals - Selected MAVENS will sign up for rehearsals here:
MAVENS rehearsals are held each Monday during the Spring 2025 Season, starting on 10Feb25, from 5:45-6:45 pm, at Triangle Dance Studio (TDS-Space, 2603 South Miami Blvd, Durham, NC), excluding 3Mar25, 31Mar25, and 28Apr25; and on Saturday, 26Apr25 (11:45 am - 12:45 pm). With advanced planning and discussion with Jules, absence from one or more Monday or Saturday rehearsals can be made up by your attendance at our regular student TDW classes.
Student TDW Classes - The TDW MAVENS are encouraged to join as many student classes as possible throughout the season.
The Dancer's Workout® offers four (4) one-hour TDW student classes each week that the MAVENS may use to meet their rehearsal requirements. The typical days, times, and locations of these classes are as follows:
Tuesdays, 5:45 pm, TDS-Space, 2603 South Miami Blvd, Durham, NC
Thursdays, 5:45 pm, TDS-Space, 2603 South Miami Blvd, Durham, NC
Fridays, 11:45 am, TDS-Space, 2603 South Miami Blvd, Durham, NC
Saturdays, 11:45 am, TDS-Space, 2603 South Miami Blvd, Durham, NC
To join a specific TDW student class, MAVENS are expected to RSVP on at least 6 hours prior to class (preferably a week or two in advance).
Our goal is to ensure that each TDW MAVEN enters into our film days well-prepared, well-conditioned, confident, and excited about the amazing products we are creating together.
Film Dates, Times, Locations for the MAVENS Spring 2025 Season
The following film dates are planned for the MAVENS Spring 2025 Season (three film dates this season).
With advanced notification to Jules, one excused absence is allowed per season.
Date/Time: Saturday, 1Mar25, 11:30 am -1:15 pm (Arrive by 11:15 am please)
Location: TDS-Space, 2603 South Miami Blvd, Durham, NC
Date/Time: Saturday, 29Mar25, 11:30 am -1:15 pm (Arrive by 11:15 am please)
Location: TDS-Space, 2603 South Miami Blvd, Durham, NC
Date/Time: Sunday, 27Apr25, 2:00-4:00 pm
Location: TDS-Space, 2603 South Miami Blvd, Durham, NC
Back-up Film Date/Time if needed: Sunday, 18May25, 2:00-4:00 pm
Location: TDS-Space, 2603 South Miami Blvd, Durham, NC
VETERAN MAVENS Application Process and New Season Information
As one of our Veteran MAVENS, you hold a very special place in our hearts! You will always be remembered and appreciated for your hard work and help with our prior season(s). We thank you for your interest in joining us again!
We're excited about the new season! We have learned a lot from prior seasons and are always interested in applying these lessons learned so that we can ensure each season will be fun, heart-warming, and successful for everyone involved! To that end, please review the changes described below that are planned for the upcoming season.
Spring 2025 SEASON UPDATES (i.e., key differences from some of our previous seasons)
Audition/Callbacks As described in more detail below, veteran MAVENS will be required to attend auditions for the new season on Saturday, 25Jan25 (see the "What to Expect" paragraph under the "Audition Dates, Times, Locations, How to Prepare, and What to Expect, plus Mandatory Photoshoot" section for more information). There will be no separate callbacks this season - just one audition with everyone.
Mandatory Photoshoot As described in the "Audition Dates, Times, Locations, How to Prepare, and What to Expect, plus Mandatory Photoshoot" section, all MAVENS are required to be in attendance from 4:30 - 6:30 pm for the group photoshoot on Sunday, 26Jan25. Please arrive between 4:15 and 4:30 pm. New MAVENS (and any veteran MAVENS wanting new headshots/body shots) will arrive between 3:15 and 3:30 pm and get their individual photos done prior to the large group arriving between 4:15 and 4:30 pm.
Rehearsal Time/Location For the Spring 2025 Season, MAVENS rehearsals will be held at Triangle Dance Studio (TDS-Space, 2603 South Miami Blvd, Durham, NC) on Mondays from 5:45 pm - 6:45 pm (excluding the Mondays following film weekends) and on Saturday, 26Apr25, during our regularly scheduled class times (11:45 am - 1:00 pm). MAVENS are expected to sign up one to two weeks in advance in Mindbody for each Monday rehearsal and in meetup for each Saturday rehearsal.
* Note - there will be no Monday MAVENS rehearsals on the Mondays following film days (i.e., on 3Mar25, 31Mar25 and 28Apr25) Location: TDS-Space, 2603 South Miami Blvd, Durham, NC
Film Location and Time All filmings will be held at TDS-Space, 2603 South Miami Blvd, Durham, NC ("Triangle Dance Studio") on either a Saturday (11:15 am - 1:00 pm) or Sunday (2:00-4:00 pm). MAVENS are expected to sign up in Mindbody three weeks in advance for each filming they will be joining.
Tech Crew Each MAVEN is expected to volunteer to join tech crew at least once during each season. On Saturday film days, tech crew arrives at the Triangle Dance Studio at 10:30, and on Sunday film days tech crew arrives at the Triangle Dance Studio at 1:00 pm to assist Jules and Sara with readying the studio for filming (wiping down mirrors, sweeping studio floor, moving the large fans, removing the twinkly lights above the mirror, etc.). We need 4 members of tech crew for each filming, and it will take approximately 35 minutes. Amanda Harmon is coordinating our tech crew this season - please let Amanda know which tech crew/film date suits you best. We also appreciate having assistance restoring the studio after filming for those of you who can volunteer to stay 20-30 minutes after filming.
Gold Star Availability Gold Star availability, as described in the "Required Practice Sessions" section above, is required for our MAVENS. This ensures that each MAVEN receives adequate choreography practice and physical conditioning prior to each scheduled film date. MAVENS are strongly encouraged to exceed the required minimum number of practice sessions and may become disqualified from the Season if unable to maintain availability for the minimum requirements each month. Details are available in the "Required Practice Sessions" section above. There will be no change to the sign-up process - MAVENS are expected to sign up in meetup for each TDW student class they will be attending (preferably one to two weeks in advance but minimally 6 hours in advance).
MAVENS Participation Fee There will be a $65/month MAVENS participation fee for the three active months of the season, which will be auto-deducted via Mindbody, as described in the Participation Fee section below. MAVENS will continue to receive both complimentary, unlimited TDW student classes between 28Jan25 and 31May25, with periodic off-season discounts available to MAVENS between seasons.
All Veteran MAVENS interested in joining the new season will be required to apply for the season. Callbacks will not be held this season. Veteran MAVENS are required to attend the auditions and the mandatory group photoshoot. The application process is complimentary for veteran MAVENS and is streamlined, given our existing knowledge of your dance abilities, work ethic, performance quality, etc. It will not be necessary for you to submit your headshot. Any Veteran MAVEN interested in the Spring 2025 Season will need to apply by midnight on Tuesday, 7Jan25.
Each Veteran MAVEN will receive an immediate acknowledgment of our receipt of your application submission. By Sunday, 12Jan25, each Veteran MAVEN applicant will receive verbal, text, or email notification as to whether you have been invited to the new season.
The mandatory group photoshoot will be held on Sunday, 26Jan25, as described above and in the Audition Times, Location, How to Prepare, and What to Expect plus Mandatory Photoshoot for Selected MAVENS section. We are looking forward to the photoshoot, as it will include both Veteran MAVENS and the new MAVENS! It should be fun to have the group together!
MAVENS Participation Fee
Each MAVEN is required to pay a $65/month MAVENS Participation Fee during each month of the active Spring 2025 season (10Feb25-18May25). This participation fee helps The Dancer's Workout® cover the seasonal costs for MAVENS rehearsal space, photoshoot expenses, and expenses associated with our filmings. Recurring payments for the "MAVENS PARTICIPATION FEE" are to be made in the TDW mindbody system (, under the contracts section. The MAVENS Participation Fee needs to be purchased before the Spring 2025 begins on 10Feb25. The three scheduled (recurring) monthly payments will conclude at the end of your MAVENS season.
Perks and Rewards
You will enjoy the following perks and rewards by becoming a TDW MAVEN
Digital Dance Performance Training and Experience
- Participation in video shoot opportunities where you gain experience being captured on film as a ballet, jazz, and contemporary dancer
- Access to practice videos for self-improvement prior to formal video shoots
- Participation in MAVENS photoshoots and on-camera interviews and testimonials
Access to Your Digital Assets
- Headshots and group photos will be available to you at no cost - for use on social media and elsewhere as you wish
- Online access to masterclasses which feature and credit you as a TDW MAVEN
- Digital copies of your on-camera interviews and testimonials
Social Media and Dance Exposure
- Opportunities to build your digital portfolio, dance resume, and social media presence
- Inclusion on the TDW website as a MAVEN
- Possible group photo inclusion in digital magazines as The Dancer's Workout® continues its rise in popularity
Dance and Fitness
- Get and stay in outstanding shape with your complimentary access to our TDW student classes. MAVENS receive unlimited complimentary access to our TDW student classes during the active months of the MAVENS Season
- Inclusion in our dedicated MAVENS-only classes (Mondays* 5:45 pm - 6:45 pm) and three monthly filmings. * Note - there will be no Monday MAVENS rehearsals on the Mondays following our film weekends
Community/New Dance Friends
- Become a member of our “no drama” health and dance-fitness-focused group of dancer friends
- Join our group parties, special events, and retreats as you wish
TDW tanks
- Complimentary TDW tank, plus discounts on additional TDW tanks and swag
Plus memories that last a lifetime…