Meet Tori

My Story
My dance journey started at the age of 2 at a dance studio in Massachusetts where I grew up. After a few years of taking classes recreationally, I was asked to join the studio’s competition team. I went from taking 1-2 classes a week to 5-6 and dance competitions became my life! I loved being a part of the team and traveling for several years dancing my way through childhood. My family moved to North Carolina in 2007 and I stopped doing competitions after that because I wanted to focus more on my dance training. I spent several years with Cary Ballet Conservatory where I eventually ended up becoming a teacher! I studied at UNC-Greensboro and obtained my Bachelor’s of Arts in Dance in 3 years and moved back to the Triangle to continue to teach. After some years passed, I decided to pivot my career and left the dance world. It was only a matter of time before dance called to me again and I found my way back to it with TDW! Â
What TDW Means to Me
I met Jules a long time ago and she was always so kind, inviting me to take classes with TDW, but it never seemed to work out with my schedule! I kick myself now that I didn’t join sooner!! I am thankful to be a part of the group now! Everyone is so kind and when I talked to Jules before my first class she described it as “it’s like coming home.” And she is absolutely right! That is exactly what taking a TDW class is like, coming home! Our TDW community is amazing and was not only more than what I was looking for, it was what my body, mind, and spirit needed!
Meet Tori

My Story
My dance journey started at the age of 2 at a dance studio in Massachusetts where I grew up. After a few years of taking classes recreationally, I was asked to join the studio’s competition team. I went from taking 1-2 classes a week to 5-6 and dance competitions became my life! I loved being a part of the team and traveling for several years dancing my way through childhood. My family moved to North Carolina in 2007 and I stopped doing competitions after that because I wanted to focus more on my dance training. I spent several years with Cary Ballet Conservatory where I eventually ended up becoming a teacher! I studied at UNC-Greensboro and obtained my Bachelor’s of Arts in Dance in 3 years and moved back to the Triangle to continue to teach. After some years passed, I decided to pivot my career and left the dance world. It was only a matter of time before dance called to me again and I found my way back to it with TDW! Â
What TDW Means to Me
I met Jules a long time ago and she was always so kind, inviting me to take classes with TDW, but it never seemed to work out with my schedule! I kick myself now that I didn’t join sooner!! I am thankful to be a part of the group now! Everyone is so kind and when I talked to Jules before my first class she described it as “it’s like coming home.” And she is absolutely right! That is exactly what taking a TDW class is like, coming home! Our TDW community is amazing and was not only more than what I was looking for, it was what my body, mind, and spirit needed!