Meet Elizabeth

My Story
I began dancing at the age of 6 at a local dance studio. I focused on ballet, tap, and jazz and loved them all. Recitals were my favorite part each year although I was a very shy little girl. My mom was so surprised by this and still to this day says that I light up when I am on stage. The older I got I began to really enjoy musical theatre and saw how much dance helped in the world of acting. I joined a technical studio in high school and focused mainly on ballet, pointe, and jazz. In college, I was able to find a local company who did two ballets a year and, for the first time, got to see what it's like being in a real ballet. My favorite roles were in the Nutcracker when I was able to dance in the iconic "snow" and have a solo part in "reed flutes." After college when I moved back home I took a couple of different adult ballet classes but didn't find anything that resembled the community I had growing up or that challenged me enough. I am so happy I crossed paths with Jules and was able to find the TDW community to continue my passion of dance.
What TDW Means to Me
The Dancers Workout® is a highlight of my week. I get to have that love of performing again with like-minded women who love it as much as I do! Dancing with TDW allows me to not only dance but also get a fantastic workout in the way my body is used to. I am honored to be able to represent TDW as a Maven this season.
Meet Elizabeth

My Story
I began dancing at the age of 6 at a local dance studio. I focused on ballet, tap, and jazz and loved them all. Recitals were my favorite part each year although I was a very shy little girl. My mom was so surprised by this and still to this day says that I light up when I am on stage. The older I got I began to really enjoy musical theatre and saw how much dance helped in the world of acting. I joined a technical studio in highschool and focused mainly on ballet, pointe, and jazz. In college, I was able to find a local company who did 2 ballets a year and got to for the first time see what it is like being in a real ballet. My favorite roles were in the Nutcracker when I was able to dance in the iconic "snow" and have a solo part in "reed flutes." After college when I moved back home I took a couple of different adult ballet classes but didn't find anything that resembled the community I had growing up or challenged me enough. I am so happy I crossed paths with Jules and was able to find the TDW community to continue my passion of dance.
What TDW Means to Me
The Dancers Workout® is a highlight of my week. I get to have that love of performing again with like minded women who love it as much as I do! Dancing with TDW allows me to not only dance but also get a fantastic workout in the way my body is used to. I am honored to be able to represent TDW as a Maven this season.